Would you like more advice on using this tool? The question mark icon allows you to discover more about how to use the Land Map. For instance, the colour of the land shows you the date range in which it was acquired and war memorials are marked with a red or black poppy, depending on their location. When you're selecting whether you want to view land aquisitions or war memorials, if you expand all the options, you’ll see a key, showing the symbols used in the map.
Sometimes a place may have multiple records, so look out for the number of pages, displayed at the bottom of the entry
Click on an area of land or war memorial symbol to find out more.
Change the style of the map you're viewing – from street map to terrain view and more. Filter the land history and leasehold data by the date range you’re interested in, using the filter icon. Using this icon, you can also choose to see whether land is always open or whether there is limited access Use the map's first icon (layer list) to tick whether you want to show war memorials, disposals, our land history or leasehold information on the map. To get started, search by postcode, address or the name of a place, or you can just browse the map and zoom in to the location you’re interested in. The Land Map is an easy way to explore our history. The war memorials view shows you the story behind the approximately 170 memorials on our land, and a further 140 memorials, which are connected with our places, the donor families or estate workers. You can click on a highlighted area of land to find out more about that acquisition – from how it was funded to who the original owner was. The land history view displays the area of acquisitions in 20-year bands, showing our growth since 1895. The Land Map covers land history and war memorials