Contrary to popular belief, figa is not necessarily an offensive term. It also means sexy, hot and attractive if referring to a woman. In past times it was also the name of an obscene gesture called gesto delle fiche. fave): (lit.: fava bean) dick common in Tuscany. ditalini): (lit.: "small thimble") fingering, female masturbation.

In Northern Italy may also translate as "faggot", see entries below. In some regions of the South, "stare sul/in culo" is used as a variant of "stare sul cazzo", both indicating dislike for someone else. The popular expression "avere una faccia da culo" ("to have an ass-like face") indicates a cheeky, brazen-faced person. It can also mean luck, as in "era tutto culo" 'it was all luck'. culi) : rough name for "buttocks", comparable to the English word ass or arse. In Southern Italy it is considered a rough insult. Occasionally it might be coupled with the corna when saying that. cornuti) : cuckold, literally "horned" – referring to a male whose female partner is cheating on him (or vice versa). coleones) and is thus cognate to the Spanish cojones and Portuguese colhões. Sometimes coglione was also featured in worldwide news when used by ex Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi referring to those who would not vote for him during the 2006 Italian election campaign.

Note that when said to a close friend ("ma quanto sei coglione") the word is not really offensive. In addition, it can be used on several phrases such as "avere i coglioni" (literally, "to have testicles", that is to be very courageous), "avere i coglioni girati" (literally, "to have twisted testicles") which means to be angry/in a bad mood, or "essere coglione" ("to be a jerk or fool"). coglioni) a vulgar version of testicle referred to a person, it usually means idiot, berk, twit, fool. incazzarsi: to get pissed off “incazzato nero”: really pissed off.

Used in countless expressions to express a variety of emotions like anger, frustration or surprise in a similar way in which "fuck" and "fucking" are used in English. Vai a cagare/cacare: fuck you, fuck off.Cognate with Spanish and Portuguese cagar, ultimately from Latin cacare. See Regional varieties of the Italian language): To shit, to defecate, more rarely not giving a fuck (about someone, usually with a negative verb): "A scuola nessuno mi caga": at school nobody gives a fuck about me. cagare/ cacare ( cacare is usually more used in Southern Italy." accidenti a lui", which can be translated as "damn him"). accidenti : literally accidents, used in the same context of English "damn", either as an exclamation of something gone wrong, or to wish harm (accidents) on someone (ex.